Multi-sectoral forum and exhibit mark ASEAN's 50th birthday

Dr. Luis M. Sorolla, SUC President IV of  West Visayas State University and officials from PIA, CHED and DTI open the Exhibit of Traditional ASEAN Costumes  at the lobby of the West Visayas State University Cultural Center  

To mark ASEAN's 50th birthday, a Multi-Sectoral Forum and Exhibit of Traditional ASEAN Costumes were held at West Visayas State University Cultural Center last August 8, 2017. The events were spearheaded by the Regional Association of National Government Executives (RANGE) in cooperation with Philippine Information Agency (PIA)  and West Visayas State University (WVSU). ASEAN 50-Philippines 2017 with the theme "Partnering for Change, Engaging the World" celebrates 50 years of solidarity and cooperation of the ten member countries namely Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Brunei Darrusalam, Vietnam, Lao PRD, Myanmar and Cambodia.

Guests from national government agencies, NGOs, media and the academe attended the forum which aimed to spread awareness regarding ASEAN's collective agenda of peace, progress and solidarity. During the forum, the Philippine Information Agency presented an overview of the ASEAN organization as well as the rationale of the ASEAN Information Campaign. Meanwhile, the Commission of Higher Education presented "Insights on the Intervention Involving Education and Research Institutions though ASEAN Education Programme" while the Department of Trade and Industry  presented "The Philippines MSMEs in the ASEAN Community." 

University Extension & Development Center


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