Announcement (as of 9-6-2022)
Face-to-face classes for Basic Photography, Advanced Photography, Livelihood Opportunities and Practical Landscaping will resume for the first semester 2022-2023 (September 24, 2022- December 17, 2022). Enrollment is on September 15-16, 2022 at the lobby of Research and Extension Building, West Visayas State University. Strictly first-come, first served basis.
Lifelong Learning for Self-Sufficiency Program (LLSSP) is a skills training program that caters to the needs of the out-of-school youths, unemployed, underemployed, housewives and even professionals who want to develop and enhance their skills in order to improve their lives.
Basic Cooking

Facilitator: Mr. Jessie Fundal
Basic Baking
This course introduces the fundamental concepts, skills and the art of baking.Through lectures and demonstration methods, the learners are taught how to bake different kinds of cakes, pastries and other recipes which are cooked using the oven. Learning different designs in icing making are also given emphasis.
Facilitator: Ms. Verna Lariga
International Cookery
This course is designed to enrich one’s knowledge in food preparation specifically of foreign countries.It emphasizes the characteristics, origin of dishes and its cooking methods.Likewise, learners are taught the importance of ingredients, seasoning condiments used in international cuisines as well as its flavoring and garnish.Table setting or arrangement is also included in the course.
Food Processing and Preservation
The focus of this training is to provide learners the basic skills and techniques in processing and preserving foods.This includes the processing and preservation of meat, fish, vegetables and fruits which are available in the market or in the locality.
Facilitator: Dr. Joeriza Tolentino
Beauty Culture
This is a lecture-demo course which covers the fundamental principles and approaches of enhancing the appearance of beauty salon patrons.It includes manicure/pedicure, spa, facial, bleaching, simple hair care and hair cutting techniques.
Facilitator: Ms. Felma Caballero
Basic Photography
This course deals with the basic principles of taking photographs.It includes familiarization of camera parts and its functions, techniques on how to get indoor and outdoor photo shots and other basic concepts in producing good pictures.
Advanced Photography
The course will further equip learners on how to take night shots pictures and manage studio photography. It emphasizes on taking indoor photo shots using available and artificial lights.
Facilitator: Mr. Sonny Espino
Basic Dressmaking
This training focuses mainly on the acquisition and development of sewing skills.Specifically, concepts on garments construction such as taking body measurements, drafting the pattern, laying out, cutting and unit sewing the garment are included in the fundamental skills.
Advanced Dressmaking
This course provides the learners with a working knowledge in dress designing.It includes design interpretations geared towards the current style of fashion.Emphasis is on the art of creating and designing fashion gowns and other dresses for all occasions.
Facilitator: Ms. Lelina Castanares
Practical Landscaping I
This course deals with the basic principles of landscaping including sourcing of materials and cost estimate of materials and labor.
Practical Landscaping II
This course focuses on the actual practicum with exposures to actual landscaping jobs.It includes landscaping accessories such as water gardens, focal points, and so on.It further covers types of garden lighting.
This course stresses on pocket and indoor gardens. Also, it gives emphasis on the principles of container gardening and miniature water gardens.
Facilitator: Dr. Crisanto Lopez, Jr.
General Arc Welding
This training introduces the fundamentals of arc welding. It focuses on welding techniques and different welding safety measures. The actual application of the skills is done through on-the-job training.This course has a duration of 72 hours.
Facilitator: Dr. Wilson F. Tocino
Practical Arts and Crafts
The course provides the participants with the basic knowledge in making gifts, tokens and give-away products for all occasions. It includes identification of the right materials, tools and equipment to be used.
Registration requirements:
Registration Fee: Php 750.00
Bring 3 pcs 1"x1" ID photo
Download and print application form here.
1. A certificate of completion is issued by UEDC upon the recommendation of the instructor.
2. Certificates of completion not claimed by the student during the last day of classes shall be claimed at the University Extension and Development Center, Research and Extension Building in West Visayas State University during office hours- Mondays to Saturdays.
3. The student should present UEDC issued gate pass/ID to the UEDC staff to claim his/her certificate.