Rays of HOPE for health and livelihood, a story to tell

Iloilo City - Before the sun breaks the horizon, the nine (9) nurse educators of the WVSU College of Nursing are all set for the extension activity.  The sun rose at 5:35 AM on September 17, 2023, unfolding a large blanket of light and warmth, painting the sky with a happy tone of yellow-orange, as if saying  “You are ready for today’s extension activity- Rays of HOPE Opportunity for Livelihood: Training on Foot Reflexology”

The resource person for the activity was awake at 4:00 AM and was already at the WVSU campus at 6:00 in the morning. The faculty extensionists and the resource person aboard a rented van headed towards the extension site at 7:00 AM. 


Alabidhan, Bingawan, Iloilo – The team has a happy journey through the rolling hills going to Bingawan. Arriving at the extension site 20 minutes before 9:00 AM, the team was greeted by the members of Alabidhan Barangay Council who had prepared the venue. Materials for the training were laid down on the table, and registration of the 26 female participants aged 20-44 years old was done. Hand hygiene was performed using alcohol spray, and masks were distributed and worn. Vital signs were assessed, training kit with IEC material on foot reflexology was given. The training proceeded as planned based on the program set. It started with a moment with the Lord, a salute to the Philippine National Flag, followed by a community song that primed the participants, setting the mood for the training. A 10-item pre-test with Hiligaynon statements on reflexology answerable by True or False was administered.  As the resource person was introduced by Dr. Rodolfo Guillergan, Jr., a participant asked “Tagpila ayhan magpareflex?” Another participant suggested asking after the lecture.


Mr. Eustace G. Trifalgar, the resource person, had unraveled the story and techniques of the ancient art of foot reflexology, which amazed the audience, a participant uttering “Gakonektar gali ang mga tiil ta sa iban nga parte sang lawas, kag pwede nga imassage ang tiil nga kaparelax sa tawo.” The indications and precautions were emphasized, as well as hygiene measures, comfort, and safety of the person who performs the procedure, and the person who is being massaged.  Every step and technique was discussed, and a demonstration was done, with Dr. Guillergan as the client. Sir Trifalgar’s fingers and hands instinctively found the pressure points that held the key to discomfort, working like magic, using the thumbs and fingers to apply precise pressure to different areas of Dr. Guillergan’s feet. Participants were paired so as to allow them to perform the techniques for the right foot, and Prof. Junah C. Villanueva acted as a client, beaming with a smile, “Nami, karelax ako sa pagreflex sa akon”, while the relaxing and soothing fragrance of peppermint massage oil wafted the air. The supervised demonstration of the procedure continued for a while until 12:15 PM, and everyone had their fill of appetizing food for lunch.


In the afternoon, the entire procedure was done for the left foot, though it was a little tedious for the participants, bits and bits, they had the hang of it.  Sir Trifalgar checked the participants and corrected the placement of the fingers and hand, the position of the participants, and the technique applied. The participants are hoping for the next sessions of training to make them more at ease and confident in performing the procedure correctly, and have foot reflexology as a means of livelihood. A post-test was administered, followed by an evaluation of the training and closing remarks. As everyone bade goodbye and promised to return for the next sessions, what a coincidence, for it is a good greeting to celebrate World Patient Day, and we were connected by feet.


The participants, extensionists, and the resource person headed home, with a pale orange sunset at 5:45 PM, laying down the comforting night for good rest and sleep, welcoming the rays of hope for another beautiful, safe and fruitful day.

University Extension & Development Center



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