WESVAARRDEC joins Root Crops FIESTA in Leyte

WESVAARDEC-West Visayas State University Base agency joined Visayas Consortium for Agriculture, Aquatic, and Natural Resources Program (VICARP), and Central Visayas Agriculture, Aquatic, and Natural Resources Research and Development Consortium (CVAARRDEC) in Baybay, Leyte for DOST-PCAARRD's Root Crops FIESTA (Farmers and Industry Encounters through Science and Technology Agenda)  with the theme "Sustainable and Effective Solutions for Climate Change, Urbanization, Research, Economic, and Development (SECURED)".

Hosted by Visayas State University (VSU), the two-day event held last April 24-25, 2024 at VSU RDE Hall showcased root crops R&D technological outputs of Visayan cluster consortia member agencies. 

Technology generators, farmers, investors, entrepreneurs, students, and key officials of DOST-PCAARRD and regional consortia gathered to highlight the technological and commercial importance and potential of root crops through food product displays, root crop machine and process exhibits, plenary sessions, cooking demonstrations, and technology pitching. Representatives from WESVARRDEC-WVSU Base Agency had a productive exchange of generated technology and knowledge with their counterparts from VICARP and CVAARRDEC. Root Crops FIESTA is one of the initiatives of the Department of Science and Technolgy- Philippine Council for Agriculture, Aquatic, and Natural Resources Research and Development in assisting regional R&D efforts in agriculture, forestry and natural resources.  Through initiatives such as Root Crops FIESTA, farmers and technology adopters are actively encouraged to engage in sweet potato, yam and cassava farming as the economic future for  these commodities are projected to have robust growth especially in Eastern Visayas. 


University Extension & Development Center


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